2. Tutorials and examples

2.1. Importing library

Import of libraty is straight-foward:

import czelta
from czelta import event_reader, station

If you have some errors you can try this for more information:

from ctypes import CDLL
#path is based on OS and python version
#for windows it is something like r'C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\czelta.pyd'

2.2. Loading data

Basic class for loading and iteration with data is czelta.event_reader. The path of data can be passed in argument of constructor or method czelta.event_reader.load():

import czelta

er = czelta.event_reader('some_data.txt')

er = czelta.event_reader()

If data is in home directory, you can use ~ as home directory:

#load data in directory like '/home/user_name/czelta_data/some_station.dat' on linux or 'C:\users\user_name\czelta_data\some_station.dat' on windows.
er = czelta.event_reader('~/czelta_data/some_station.dat')

2.3. Saving data

The library uses 2 save formats: .txt and .dat.

.dat format is very compact format. Each event uses only 32B and completely file occupes only len(event_reader)*32+16 bytes.

.txt format is quite fat format. But it is easier to import to application like excel and so-on.

For saving data is there function czelta.event_reader.save():

#save to txt format with 'x events' (indicator of runs)

#save to txt format without 'x events'
er.save('~/data/my_data.txt', x_events = False)

#save to dat format

2.4. Working with events

2.5. Working with runs

2.6. Using builtin filters

2.7. Using custom filter function

There is a method czelta.event_reader.filter() for custom filtering.

The custom filter is just function with parameter czelta.event. The function return True if want to filter out event (delete) or False if not:

def custom_filter(event):
    #filter all calibrations
    return event.calibration

#apply filter

More examples in czelta.event_reader.filter().